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The results of your search for "Divine Healing":

16 oz. Jar - Divine Healing Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This white candle is scented with the innocent and loving blend of soft rose petals, baby breath, and white flowers, with perfect accents of clove, nutmeg, patchouli, sandalwood, and Madagascar vanilla and embedded with rainbow moonstone. It is intended to purify, protect, and heal.

16 oz. Jar - Muladhara (Root Chakra) Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This Reiki-Infused candle is intended to heal the 1st chakra utilizing colour therapy, aromatherapy, gemstone healing and light therapy. Topped with red jasper gemstones and scented with cedarwood, frankincense and myrrh.

8 oz. Jar - Muladhara (Root Chakra) Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This Reiki-Infused candle is intended to heal the 1st chakra utilizing colour therapy, aromatherapy, gemstone healing and light therapy. Topped with red jasper gemstones and scented with cedarwood, frankincense and myrrh.

8 oz. Jar - Svadhishthana (Sacral Chakra) Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This Reiki-Infused candle is intended to heal the 2nd chakra utilizing colour therapy, aromatherapy, gemstone healing and light therapy. Topped with orange carnelian gemstones and scented with patchouli, sandalwood, and jasmine.

16 oz. Jar - Svadhishthana (Sacral Chakra) Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This Reiki-Infused candle is intended to heal the 2nd chakra utilizing colour therapy, aromatherapy, gemstone healing and light therapy. Topped with orange carnelian gemstones and scented with patchouli, sandalwood, and jasmine.

8 oz. Jar - Anahata (Heart Chakra) Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This Reiki-Infused candle is intended to heal the 4th chakra utilizing colour therapy, aromatherapy, gemstone healing and light therapy. Topped with green jade gemstones and scented with jade and rose fragrance.

16 oz. Jar - Anahata (Heart Chakra) Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This Reiki-Infused candle is intended to heal the 4th chakra utilizing colour therapy, aromatherapy, gemstone healing and light therapy. Topped with green jade gemstones and scented with jade and rose fragrance.

16 oz. Jar - Vishuddha (Throat Chakra) Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This Reiki-Infused candle is intended to heal the 5th chakra utilizing colour therapy, aromatherapy, gemstone healing and light therapy. Topped with African turquoise gemstones and scented with eucalyptus and chamomile.

8 oz. Jar - Vishuddha (Throat Chakra) Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This Reiki-Infused candle is intended to heal the 5th chakra utilizing colour therapy, aromatherapy, gemstone healing and light therapy. Topped with African turquoise gemstones and scented with eucalyptus and chamomile.

16 oz. Jar - Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra) Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This Reiki-Infused candle is intended to heal the 3rd chakra utilizing colour therapy, aromatherapy, gemstone healing and light therapy. Topped with yellow citrine gemstones and scented with fresh ginger, grapefruit, and bergamot.

8 oz. Jar - Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra) Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This Reiki-Infused candle is intended to heal the 3rd chakra utilizing colour therapy, aromatherapy, gemstone healing and light therapy. Topped with yellow citrine gemstones and scented with fresh ginger, grapefruit, and bergamot.

8 oz. Jar - Ajna (Third Eye Chakra) Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This Reiki-Infused candle is intended to heal the 6th chakra utilizing colour therapy, aromatherapy, gemstone healing and light therapy. Topped with blue sodalite gemstones and scented with sacred sandalwood, balsam, and cedar.

16 oz. Jar - Ajna (Third Eye Chakra) Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This Reiki-Infused candle is intended to heal the 6th chakra utilizing colour therapy, aromatherapy, gemstone healing and light therapy. Topped with blue sodalite gemstones and scented with sacred sandalwood, balsam, and cedar.

16 oz. Jar - Sahasrara (Crown Chakra) Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This Reiki-Infused candle is intended to heal the 7th chakra utilizing colour therapy, aromatherapy, gemstone healing and light therapy. Topped with purple amethyst gemstones and scented with lavender and Tibetian amber.

8 oz. Jar - Sahasrara (Crown Chakra) Candle
Metaphysical Collection
This Reiki-Infused candle is intended to heal the 7th chakra utilizing colour therapy, aromatherapy, gemstone healing and light therapy. Topped with purple amethyst gemstones and scented with lavender and Tibetian amber.

8 oz. Jar - Dragon's Blood Candle
Metaphysical Collection
Dragon's Blood incense is used for healing, protection, and banishing. This candle is also embedded with amethyst and black obsidian for added spiritual benefits.

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